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Should My Business Send Out a Print Newsletter?

In an increasingly digital world, sending out physical newsletters might seem like a relic from a bygone era. However, print advertising offers many benefits that make it worth considering.

Established Trust

Although email marketing can be effective, there is an element of credibility fostered by print marketing products that digital marketing lacks. In fact, a study published by found that while 82% of respondents revealed that they trust print ads in newspapers and magazines when making a purchase decision, only 61% trusted search engine ads, 39% trusted online banner ads, and a mere 25% trusted digital pop up ads. Clicking on spammy online advertisements can also be harmful to a user's computer, exposing it to potential viruses or malware. The trustworthiness of print ads can lead to increased sales and a more stable brand image.

Longevity and Sharability

Digital advertising can be effective, but online ads, like everything else on the internet, are temporary. Print newsletters and marketing; however, can continue to work even after updated versions have been distributed. Because they are portable and easy to share, they can be passed along from current clients to potential clients with ease.

Client Engagement

As seen with Coca Cola's "Share A Coke" campaign, marketing that encourages consumer interaction and personalization can be highly effective. Newsletters create a great space to foster engagement with a consumer base by encouraging reader-submitted content, letters, or questions to keep clients engaged each time a print advertisement arrives by direct mail. This engagement can allow consumers to see brands as trusted friends or members of the community who give back, making them appear more trustworthy when it matters.

In addition to the trust, longevity, and engagement that newsletters provide, there are endless ways to use print media to establish lasting marketing campaigns. If you're interested in trying out the latest in print marketing solutions, give Colorprint a call today at 650-697-7611 or get a quote online to get started.

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